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Altered Book Art
Looking for something a little different? Here is a selection of book art featuring a wide variety of themes. They are made using real books. Most books have pictures and objects set into the book. Some books have evolved into miniature vignettes. I can provide a micro audio player and add the sound or music of your choosing. Simply upload your desired audio and the player will be slipped into an elastic strip which is glued to the back of the book. This will incur an additional fee of $20 . Two decorative black iron arrowhead strap hinges can also be added to the back of the book for $30. If the book requires a stand one will be included free of charge. Use your own text, images and ideas for a one of a kind gift. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or requirements and I will provide you with an obligation free quote. You can also order a unique secret compartment book or beautiful open illuminated manuscript book, both leather covered with fleur de lis hinges and a free crystal inkwell and ostrich feather quill. I can also use your photographs, certificates, documents, letters and such in miniature form which will be placed in your very own personalised book store front. Although not made from real books they do resemble a small pile of books and are made from wood. Complete with lighting, floorboard or tiled shop floor, front foor with pediment stained in your colour choice , hand cast cobbled pavement in brown or grey tones, backdrops, accessories, printed documents and photographs, black bicycle and faux iron railing, a personalised a-frame sign and your own personalised engraved metal hanging shop sign the book store dioramas cost $300. Perfect to give as a unique gift or for the dollhouse miniaturist to give to themselves!
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The Artful Dollhouse
Step into a Scene Dimensional Books Step into a Scene Diensional Books with Interchangeable Scenes Open Books with Miniature Scenes Junk Journals