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The Artful Dollhouse
Book Art
Dimensional Art
Open Books
Dimensional Art   Display Boxes Dimensional Art         Books
Miniature Scenes
Altered  Book Art OPEN BOOKS       PAGE TWO
The Phoenix and the Carpet
Fairy Meadow
If you have a favourite book or theme why not request one of my open book scenes, The books are either painted or have a crumpled paper covering. Gold leaf is used on the corners and edges. The left side contains the image or page of your choosing and the right side has been recessed to build the miniature scene. The scene will reflect the images subject matter and the landscaping will continue to sprawl across the image. Every book will have LED lighting, in assorted colours. The book sizes vary but are generally a large size.
Based on E. Nesbit’s novel this blue paper covered book has the image taken from the story’s front cover. The book is landscaped with grass, flowers, bushes and a faux iron fence. The large blue carpet has been made to look as if it is flying. It is able to hold a number of doll house dolls as shown in the pictures. Blue LED lights climb up towards the carpet. The magic carpet is available to order seperately.
Pretty pink crushed paper covers this book and the curled pages are highlighted with gold leaf. A recessed area on the right is landscaped and this is where a small resin fairy abode and lamppost reside. Delicate pink/ lilac LED lights are sprinkled in amongst the grass. A resin arbor filled with flowers sits in the centre of the book and the grassy landscape continues to sprawl across the fairy image. The left corner has another landscaped area with fairy house, bench and pink wooden fence.
Forest Swing
Fantasy Forest
Purple crushed paper and gold leaf were used on this book and dark forest green landscaping in the recessed area. From a purple tree hangs a wooden swing decorated with purple roses. A delicate resin fairy swings whilst a white stone path winds its way from the tree up the hill towards the left side of the book. Purple bushs and vines adorn the book and the grassy landscaping continues on the left of the book. Finally lilac LED lights light up the pathway.