Doll House Miniature Design
Dollhouse Miniature Design
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Dollhouse Miniatures
Toy Shop Window
Playground & Toys
in a Lantern
Built inside a Christmas lantern this tiny scene features an old fashioned toy shop frontage. The window and capping piece are black with a dusting of snow and behind the perspex, inside the shop, assorted toys and dolls peek out from the window shelf they inhabit. A metal plane seems to be flying toward the window. The back wall features a Victorian toy store scene and the browsing family have a second layer added for dimension. Outside , in light brown tones, are bricked walls, and there is matching brick beneath the window. On the wall is a black painted filigree wooden toy shop sign. On a cobblestone pavement is a small metal black railing with some snow covered greenery , and a black metal LED coach light illuminates the street. The top of the lantern is removeable and a remote operated battery light is tucked inside. The lantern is 50 cm h.