Dollhouse Miniature Design
Helter Skelter
Dollhouse Miniatures
Fairground Attractions      Selection Page
This is one of my favourite fairground miniatures. As far as construction it is definitely a mixed media piece. Painted in chalk pink and a moody shade of teal blue the helter skelter has white steps inside the pediment topped doorway that lead up to the second floor. The domed roof of the ride sports a canvas double sided flag on a turned post. At the top of the stairs the second floor structure is decorated with turned posts and as you walk through the doorway onto the balcony, a pretty metal railing protects the children from any stumbles. A battery operated LED blue light illuminates the stairs. A small opening in the railing, adorned with turned posts, leads to the top of the wonderfully curvy slide. A helter skelter sign on a laser cut wooden backing hangs off the balcony rail from scroll shaped metal hangers. A white wooden step, with metal capped posts and the same metal railing as the balcony, leads up and into the helter skelter doorway. A roof topped entryway with etched shingles and pretty chalk pink metal sides lead the way to the ride. A ladder style of shelf serves as both a signpost and a place to store the little hessian slide sacks. The signpost matches the sign atop the ride and the little handmade sacks have been coloured in assorted pastel shades and have little hand straps. The whole scene sits on a pink wooden base. The helter skelter, without base and flag, is approximately 45cm l.